Dr. Edward Dmitrievich Lozansky. Physics Professor at American University, established Russia House & its World Russia Forum, established the Young Republican National Federation in Moscow after re-marriage in 1982, wrote a book in Russian on how to lobby The Hill, published by Russian foreign ministry.
1. How One Man Influenced The Republican Party’s Transformation Into The Grand Old Putin Party
4. The GOP’s Favorite Russian Professor Spent Decades Building Conservative Ties To Moscow
5. American University In Moscow: Linked To Russian State, But Fake Like TrumpU
7. Soviet Human Rights Activists Believed Lozansky Worked With Russian Intelligence
8. From Orange Revolution To “Stars And Stripes Revolution”
9. Opinion: Edward Lozansky’s Russia Lobby Compromised The Republican Party
10. Opinion: Without Ed Lozansky, Trump-Russia Could Not Have Happened
The couple was divorced as a condition of allowing Mrs. Lozanksy – the daughter of a high-ranking Soviet general — to emigrate with her husband, but permission was revoked after he left Russia in 1976. Lozansky has not seen his 10-year-old daughter since. Elena Balovlenkov, the Baltimore-born wife of Moscow hunger striker Yuri Balovlenkov, stood in for Mrs. Lozansky at the marriage in the U.S. Capitol as Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., acted as a witness and Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., as ring bearer. Mrs. Balovlenka held her 22-month-old daughter, Katrina, who her father has never seen, during the ceremony. The wedding and news conference was sponsored by the Young Republican National Federation, which made Mrs. Lozanksy an honorary member. To stress the bipartisan nature of their cause, Young Republican Chairman David Barron announced that the College Democrats have made Balovlenkov an honorary member.”