Cre8 No H8
What is Creating Hatred in the World, and What Can WE Do To Stop It?
This site is meant to unify people and organizations who want to make the world a better place. It provides historical context through links to the breaking news, source documents, and official websites. Understand the massive changes in our world and how to best respond to them.
What kind of world do You want to Create?
The world is filled with trolls trying to bait people.
Don’t Take The Bait. Create No Hate.
We need to be informed to express control over our lives as voters and be able to communicate with each other without creating more Hate.
Turn Your Fear And Frustration Into Action.
Control what you can: how you respond to the world and what you do.
Share your knowledge and experience to help us all develop unity and community. Get your voice heard. Participate.
We all play a part. Change Starts In The Heart.
If there’s Hate in your Heart, Identify it, Objectify it, Free Yourself. Be happy.
The Site:
Educate: This site is about promoting an objective understanding of now with eyes on the future and different points of view, without bias or prejudice, as a basis for communication.
- Russiagate
- Team Trump
- Current Affairs International Topics
- News Feeds to scan the current headlines quickly
Participate Find a way to get involved.
Alleviate Support and Self-defense from hatred and bullying.
Relate Tips for improving cross-cultural communication. Forums for discussion.
Elevate Inspiration and solutions for global issues.
Locate Hate Who is promoting Hate and how? It used to be called “the Alt-Right,” the trolls and provocateurs of the 2016 election have since been exposed. The most powerful of them are still going strong.
Candidates: Promote your favorites, discover new ones and get involved.
Communic8 No H8 Hate-speech, troll-free social media platform for subscribers to safely share opinions in topical groups.